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Eric Hatch


How Long Have You Been Diving?


Certified in November 2012

Diving Certifications?


PADI Divemaster, PADI Enriched Air, PADI Deep Specialty, TDI Advanced Nitrox, & TDI Decompression Procedures.  

Most Memorable Dive?

There have definitely been a few that stand out. But right now I think it was an unexpected afternoon in Hoodsport. I was at Sund Rock with a friend to do some fun diving and it just so happened National Geographic was there filming a special on Wolf Eels. We got to talking with them and ended up getting to do some dives and watch them work and film the special. It was absolutely incredible watching them work and seeing the interactions they had. 

What Got You Interested In Scuba Diving?

Scuba was something I had always been very interested in, I finally got to a point in my life I could take the plunge. My only regret was not doing it sooner.   

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