Our Team
Holly Abbott & Matthew Abbott
Holly took her first breath underwater in 2003 and has enjoyed the underwater world immensely ever since. She began her professional dive career as a divemaster in 2012 and loves teaching others so they too can see the magical world that lies underneath the ocean waves. She has over 1000 dives and is very patient with students so that they are comfortable and confident in their learning experience. She has also enjoyed operating a dive shop simply because of the opportunity to meet so many amazing new people.
Matt started diving in 2012 and embarked on his dive career with great enthusiasm. He became a divemaster in 2013 and continued on to instructor in 2014. He has done considerable volunteer work with NOAA including many deep, decompression dives and underwater welding. He has over 1500 dives and can teach from open water to divemaster, including almost all the specialty dives. He loves teaching and creates a safe, fun learning environment in which students can enjoy their class and pool learning at their own pace. He is looking forward to many more years of teaching and meeting future divers.
Sam Abadilla

Sam came to Albany Scuba and was from the start a natural at scuba diving. He excelled in his training and advanced to divemaster with enthusiasm and dedication. Sam brings his own unique and charismatic approach to teaching and is easy and fun for students to work with. Sam is also currently the lead staff member for Albany Scuba and is a certified Sherwood Regulator technician.
Jesse learned to dive in 2006 and progressed in his dive career to divemaster in 2019. He enjoys diving in new locations and is always up for a great day of diving with friends and students, new or experienced. He is extraordinarily helpful and patient while training students which allows for a safe and relaxed environment for learning. He is always ready to answer any questions students may have and he provides an excellent learning experience.
Jesse Young

Chris Wimer
Chris began his diving adventures in 2013 with an Albany Scuba open water class, and continued on to complete his Divemaster certification. Chris enjoys working with new and returning students.

Brandy Wimer
Divemaster/Travel Coordinator
Brandy's diving journey began in 2013 when her husband convinced her to try scuba class. She is now a Divemaster and loves working with kids in the Bubblemakers
classes. Brandy enjoys traveling to and plans the destination dive trips for Albany Scuba.

Brittney Burant
Brittney began her scuba experience in September 2019 and quickly decided she wanted to know everything there was to know about scuba. She has shown enthusiasm and capability as she has progressed up to Divemaster and has made an invaluable addition to our scuba family!

Austin Goins - Divemaster Candidate
Austin is in the process of becoming a divemaster and has demonstrated an unparalleled enthusiasm for the sport. He has been a strong diver from the very start and he has enjoyed exploring the underwater world whenever he gets the chance. He is always willing to help with students and is a good resource for them to go to when they have questions or are looking for a new place to dive. He also enjoys spearfishing and crabbing and is quite good at it! Austin is looking forward to finishing divemaster and helping out with classes.